The Washington State Tribal Opioid and Fentanyl Taskforce generally meets the 4th Tuesday of each month from 9 am to noon. The Taskforce is a result of the WA State Tribal Opioid and Fentanyl Summit held in May of 2023. The Taskforce consists of member from each federally recognized Tribe in Washington State, both Urban Indian Health Programs, two Native persons with lived experience, four state legislators, one representative from a Washington Staten city and a county, appointees from the following agencies: Health Care Authority, Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Departments of Commerce, Corrections, Health, Social and Health Services, Children, Youth and Families, Governor’s office of Indian Affairs, Governor’s Office, Attorney General’s Office, Washington State Patrol.
The Taskforce will review laws and polices relating to illicit sale and use of opioids and fentanyl, jurisdictional authority, tribal exclusionary authority and any related impacts affecting American Indians and Alaska Native People. The Taskforce will develop recommendations for changes in legislation and policy to address the five identified priority areas. Those areas are:
- Public Safety and Justice
- Continuum of Care
- Housing and Wrap Around Services
- Family and Community Services
- Community Response
The Taskforce will submit a status report to the legislature by June 30, 2025.
Meeting Materials:
November 26, 2024