Tribal Centric Behavioral Health Advisory Board
Pulling Together for Wellness > Tribal Behavioral Health > Tribal Centric Behavioral Health Advisory Board

The Tribal Centric Behavioral Health Advisory Board was developed to oversee the implementation and operation of Tribally operated inpatient behavioral health facilities across Washington State. The advisory board also provides strategic insight and prioritization of behavioral health system changes that support Tribes and Urban Indian Health Organizations as they expand their services, including services in behavioral health crisis response.

In 2022 – 2023 the first hour of meetings has been dedicated to the “Tribal 988 Subcommittee” to review 988 rollout projects such as the Native and Strong Lifeline and Mobile Crisis Teams.

The Board was originally made up of members from each of the five regions that align with the Health Care Authority’s Office of Tribal Affairs Regional Service Areas (RSA). All Indian Health Care Provider BH Program leadership and staff are now encouraged to attend TCBHAB meetings. 

The Tribal Centric Behavioral Health Advisory Board meets the third Wednesday of each month from 10 am to noon.  Meetings are open to Tribal and Urban Indian Health leaders, their staff and other partners including staff from state agencies, Indian Health Services and Tribal organizations. Please contact us if you wish to join the group.


Please send your suggestions, comments, questions, or concerns to:

AIHCVicki Lowe, or Kathryn Akeah,

Washington State Health Care Authority – Lucy Mendoza,

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