Report from ADAI: Methamphetamine-involved deaths increased in Washington State from 2008 to 2016; deaths quadrupled…


Report from ADAI: Methamphetamine-involved deaths increased in Washington State from 2008 to 2016; in that time span, deaths quadrupled from 1.3 per 100,000 residents to 5.1 per 100,000

This report provides Washington-specific methamphetamine data, including deaths, overdoses, and treatment admissions; an overview of the harms from and the research on treatments for methamphetamine use disorder; and a summary of the most recent Treatment Research Sub-Committee meeting focused on methamphetamine.

Key Findings

  • Methamphetamine-involved deaths increased in Washington State from 2008 to 2016; in that time span, deaths quadrupled from 1.3 per 100,000 residents to 5.1 per 100,000.
  • Death rates vary across Washington counties, and by race/ethnicity, with Whites making up the majority of deaths.
  • Native Americans are over-represented among methamphetamine-related deaths and treatment admissions.
  • People who use methamphetamine often have social, cultural, and functional reasons for their use, and interventions to reduce use should address these factors.
  • There is no clearly effective medication to treat methamphetamine use disorders. Evidence-based treatments for methamphetamine use disorder include contingency management, the Matrix Model, other forms of cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, mindfulness-based approaches, and exercise.
  • Harm reduction strategies are important to reduce morbidity and mortality and to maintain engagement with a vulnerable and high needs population.

Click to view report.