The American Lung Association Acknowledges the Work of the American Indian Health Commission Tribal and Urban Indian Health Immunization Coalition and its partnership to build COVID-19 Confidence and Commercial Tobacco Prevention to address Lung Disease

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The American Lung Association Acknowledges the Work of the American Indian Health Commission Tribal and Urban Indian Health Immunization Coalition and its partnership to build COVID-19 Confidence and Commercial Tobacco Prevention to address Lung Disease
The American Indian Health Commission | Washington State

American Indian Health Commission (AIHC) for Washington State acknowledges the historical and cultural context of the barriers to vaccination and disease prevention experienced by American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations. AIHC is a non-profit organization working to improve the health of AI/AN populations by addressing inequities in governmental policies and systems through tribal and state collaboration. AIHC works for 29 federally recognized Tribes, two Urban Indian Health Organizations, and other Tribal health organizations.

AIHC’s Tribal and Urban Indian Health Immunization Coalition (TUIHIC) is the first Tribal immunizations coalition in the nation. TUIHIC is experienced in efforts to address AI/AN immunizations and vaccine access, surveillance, prevention practices, infectious disease, and health literacy. Since 2008, TUIHIC’s has conceptualized 100% immunization coverage in Indian Country. TUIHIC applied the tribal-centric evidence-informed ‘Pulling Together for Wellness’ framework in the development of the model Tribal and Urban Indian Vaccination Record Cards. The National Congress of American Indians issued a resolution urging federal, state, and local governments to recognize official Tribal/Urban Indian Vaccination Record Cards.

The Lung Association in Washington State works in partnership with the AIHC TUIHIC to increase COVID-19 Vaccine confidence and address commercial tobacco prevention and cessation to prevent respiratory disease.